School Uniform

School Clothing and Dress

The wearing of school uniform is encouraged, as we believe that a standard form of dress is more serviceable, prevents unnecessary competition and is cheaper in the long term. It also helps to give the school its own identity and the children a sense of togetherness.

Our school uniform is a combination of the colours, royal blue/grey and white.

Grey skirt/pinafore dress (with plain cycle shorts if preferred)

Grey trousers or shorts

Grey, white or light blue shirt/ t-shirt

Royal blue sweatshirts

Royal blue cardigan/fleece

Footwear should be sensible with low heels for safety reasons. In summer we would encourage children to wear items like tee-shirts and light-weight shorts in school colours.

Hairstyles should be smart, and not extreme in nature, as these styles can become a distraction. Longer hair should be tied up in the interests of personal hygiene. Hair dye is not permitted.

School uniform is available from the school supplier; ‘Cloud 9’

Pupils are not allowed to wear jewellery in school with the exception of an inexpensive watch, which must be removed for PE. Ears should be pierced during the six week summer break with the expectation that earings are removed during the day on return to school.
PE Kits
Children are expected to wear PE kit to school on the days they have PE. Children should wear:
● Unbranded black/dark blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms (no logos)
● White tee shirt or polo shirt
● Royal blue school sweatshirt or school hoodie (branded sweatshirts and/or hoodies can be purchased
from Cloud 9 Leisure in the South Nelson Industrial Estate)
● Sports trainers (not wellies, boots or smart shoes)

Information for parents from the DfES guidance to schools;

"School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. Most schools in England have a school uniform or dress code, and other rules on appearance. The Department strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it can instil pride; support positive behaviour and discipline; encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos; ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils. Above all, many schools believe that school uniform supports effective teaching and learning.

There is no legislation that deals specifically with school uniform or other aspects of appearance such as hair colour and style, and the wearing of jewellery and make-up, and this is non-statutory guidance. It is for the governing body of a school to decide whether there should be a school uniform and other rules relating to appearance, and if so what they should be. This flows from the duties placed upon the governing body by statute to conduct the school and to ensure that school policies promote good behaviour and discipline amongst the pupil body.

A headteacher can discipline a pupil for breach of uniform/appearance policy. However, the Department does not consider exclusion to be an appropriate response to breaches of school uniform/appearance policy, except where they are persistent and defiant. Where a pupil repeatedly refuses to comply with school uniform policy even if they do not otherwise display poor behaviour, we believe that exclusion could be an appropriate response, depending on the circumstances of the case.

A headteacher or a person authorised by the headteacher may ask a pupil to go home briefly to remedy a breach of the school's rules on appearance or uniform. This should be for no longer than is necessary to remedy the breach. This is not an exclusion, but an authorised absence. However, if the pupil continues to breach uniform rules in such a way as to be sent home to avoid school, or takes longer than is strictly necessary to effect the change, the pupil's absence may be counted as unauthorised absence. A pupil must not be sent home indefinitely or for longer than is strictly necessary to remedy the breach as this could amount to an unofficial exclusion. In all such cases parents must be notified and the absence should be recorded. When making this decision, the child's age, vulnerability, how easily and quickly the breach can be remedied, and the availability of the parent, will need to be considered. If the pupil then repeatedly infringes the school's rules on uniform or appearance, this may constitute a disciplinary offence and may be grounds for exclusion."

To celebrate their birthday, pupils may have a 'non-uniform' day all to themselves. Should this fall on a weekend or during a school holiday, pupils may choose the nearest Monday or Friday